Thursday, January 9, 2014

My 4 Month Ordeal Going Through 3 Surgeries

I have been a convalescing slug for the past four months.  I have been through three separate surgeries to repair my sinuses, my wrists, and my right elbow Ulnar nerve.  By far the most difficult has been the last surgery on my elbow.  It had been hurting for years but we thought it was arthritis and treated it accordingly.  The meds and an occasional shot were helping but finally the pain was so intense my orthopedic doctor suggested the Ulnar surgery.  

Nerves heal very slowly.  It has been two months since I had the elbow cut open and a badly trapped nerve moved so it could function properly.  I have spent many days flat on my back "recovering" and just recently started to get the enthusiasm back for going through normal daily procedures like shaving and brushing teeth.  Now keep in mind that I was doing this with my non-dominate left hand.  

The pain meds they had me on made my tummy and digestive system rebel.  As you can tell it has been an unwelcome ordeal.  One of the good things from all this is I have lost 35 pounds and had no trouble staying on my diet since my stomach wasn't enjoying most food anyway. 

But alas, I am coming out of it with hope for the future and renewed zeal for my retirement projects.  My creative juices have ignited once again.  I wake up thinking about how I can share what I have been learning since I retire in July 2012 at the ripe young age of 60.  The method I use to share or teach is the wonderful world of social and online business media.  It literally brings people together from all over the world.  Recently one of my blog posts had 240 "hits".  

I will be writing and producing daily for my blogs, podcasts, YouTube Channel, and Pinterest.  All  of the information about how to make money online by monetizing your sites will be copyright protected and available to my email group.  This will provide better cyber-security for all of us.  So if you haven't already done so please sign up for the email group in the box next to this blog post.  Your email address will be secure and never shared.  

I have a new podcast that will only be announced to the email group in the near future.  I'll give you a hint:  I am updating my original podcast entitled "7 Pillars of Retirement Freedom" to include details of how we have done since we left the world of corporate employment.  It was a bit scary but we certainly made the right choice and have grown our nest egg successfully.  Hopefully our experiences will benefit others or at least spawn some creative thinking about your own future possibilities. So sign up and stay tuned.               

1 comment:

  1. Ralph; Sounds like were all falling apart and have to get repaired every so often like an old car. The good news is we become classics just like cars. Gerald


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