Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to Turn Hidden Talents into Steady Income

When I was in high school most pep rally and assembly speakers spoke on the same basic theme….”dream big, don’t under-estimate your abilities, you can do whatever you want to do with your life, you can accomplish anything”.  Clichés, perhaps, but since the bible says, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, there has to be some truth in the words.  A book I read many years ago said, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it”.

After listening to the motivational speakers I would work harder at whatever sport I happened to be participating in at the time.  Basketball was my main interest.  I can remember spending eight hours a day at the gym during Christmas break trying to hone my skills.  After playing as many games of basketball as possible, came more weights, more pull-ups, more push-ups, etc.  I can still remember hours of dribbling around obstacles in our cement floored basement.  I never became a Rick Mount, Pistol Pete Maravich, or Jimmer Fredette, but I did have fun playing high school ball. 

All this did manage to teach me the beginnings of important lessons about life.  Simple rule #3 for getting to retirement sooner, or to a vastly more successful financial life, or to a more successful life in general is BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN CAPABILITIES

First you have to identify what you are good at, or may be good at.  What unique skills do you have that can help you maximize your earning capacity.  Our oldest son Jason hated the corporate life when he graduated as an electrical engineer from University.  He believed he could learn about anything he put his mind to, so he taught himself how to podcast on the internet when it was a brand new communications medium in 2005.  He developed his new found interest/skill and was able to increase income and eventually quit the corporate world. 

Jason wrote a book about podcasting and was published by a New York firm.  He did book-signings and became somewhat of a celebrity in his “field”.  He basically established himself as an expert in this new found endeavor.  His book is used now as a text book on how to podcast by many colleges. This first project has led our son Jason into a world he has created of his own Internet Businesses with a six figure income; not revenue, but personal income.       

The point---if you can conceive and believe you can achieve.  I am a firm proponent of the notion that we need to BELIEVE IN OUR OWN CAPABILITIES, and that our capabilities may be much more vast than we suspect.  More to come on this topic in subsequent posts.