A quote from MONEY CRASHERS ‘Should You Save for Retirement at a Young Age?’ at http://www.moneycrashers.com/should-you-save-for-retirement-at-a-young-age/ “If you started contributing $100 a month to your retirement account at the age of 25, and you were going to retire at the age of 60, then your account would reach $379,000. If you started saving for retirement at the age of 35 with the same contribution, then you would have just $132,000. The point is obvious. If you start saving NOW, compound interest becomes your best friend. This is not even factoring in matching contributions that a company may make.”
For my over 25 friends, no to worry-----starting late can work. You have to be more aggressive. More on that in a few days, but the rest of this story will bless your children, of the next generation. So read on.
Many years ago I was riding in a car with three friends who worked for the same employer. We were driving several hundred miles to a conference and had time to talk about a little bit of everything. We covered most fun topics and laughed hard. Finally, the youngest guy in the group got bold and asked how our 401K’s were doing in a volatile investment market. Other than himslef the rest of us were within 5 - 10 years of retiring. Silence…He had hit upon a subject that was not really open for discussion as we hemmed and hawed without really answering.
Many years ago I was riding in a car with three friends who worked for the same employer. We were driving several hundred miles to a conference and had time to talk about a little bit of everything. We covered most fun topics and laughed hard. Finally, the youngest guy in the group got bold and asked how our 401K’s were doing in a volatile investment market. Other than himslef the rest of us were within 5 - 10 years of retiring. Silence…He had hit upon a subject that was not really open for discussion as we hemmed and hawed without really answering.
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