Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to change your Podcast to an MP3 File

This is a follow-up to my March 18, 2013 Post.

By now some of you may have tried podcasting through the suggested sites “Audacity” and “Libsyn” (see my post from March 18, 2013.  Here are the questions I get the most when someone is starting into the podcasting world:

1)      What do I podcast about?

2)      How do I turn the saved podcast file into an Mp3 file so I can post it on Libsyn? 

To discover what you may wish to talk about in a regular podcast, simply ask yourself what you are the most passionate about.  What are you good at?  What are your hobbies?  How can I help people learn more about my passion in life?  Go to Amazon’s website and search for popular books on your selected subject and then review their table of contents and write down ideas about what you can write on that subject.  Make an outline of the topic you wish to talk about on your next podcast.  At first keep your keep your podcasts between 7-12 minutes long.     

Turning your saved podcast on Audacity into an Mp3 file isn’t too difficult but you may wish to jot down a few notes and post it somewhere conspicuous so you can be reminded when you are doing it again until it becomes second nature.  Here are the steps:

a)      I always save my podcasts on my computer as an audacity file until I have completed the editing processes then I turn it into an MP3 file as follows

b)      Click Export file

c)      Click “Save as Type”

d)      Click MP3

e)      Click Save

f)       Fill out as much of the “Edit Metadata” info as you wish

g)      Click Save

h)      Download LameMp3 encoder to your computer (follow the instructions carefully so you don’t download unwanted stuff)
If you didn’t already have the LameMp3 encoder you will need to go back and follow the previous steps again….once you have the encoder you will not need to go through these steps twice next time your change your audacity file to an Mp3. 

Please let me know if you have questions.