Thursday, October 6, 2011

Free Podcast "7 Pillars of Safe Retirement Freedom"

You can get access to my 12 minute Podcast "7 Pillars of Safe Retirement Freedom" by cyber-joining our group of like-minded people helping each other prepare for the future.  I am currently writing a new book with key principles about how we can make the future more secure. These principles will help anyone at any point during their career.

I guarantee you will benefit by spending a few minutes with us.  Join us and you will receive the link to my "7 Pillars of Safe Retirement Freedom" Podcast.

We protect your privacy and your email will never be shared with others.

The Online World of Communications---Don't be left Behind

My personality has a component of being duty bound.  I was raised in the home of a career military officer who took duty to God and Country very seriously. Therefore, I tend to take on new projects with gusto.  As I conclude my 34 year career as an educator I have been researching all aspects of retirement. 
Since another part of my personality loves the proverbial half-full glass approach to living, I usually see positive in situations, especially in life altering events, such as retirement.  As I listen to comments from friends, I sense concern for their future. 
A third component of my personality is my love of educational process.  It is a creative process for me, and creativity is akin to spiritual functions in my life.  It is invigorating and uplifting.  I have been creating an online community to share what I am learning with friends, students, and colleagues.  I have over 2500 friends on Facebook, and in just the past couple of weeks I have had over 1000 views of my Safe Retirement Freedom Blog.  
In addition to many friends who are closing in on retirement, I am sharing what I am learning with my younger friends, many of whom are former students and just starting careers.  Often I think, ‘I sure wish I had known this when I was young, I could be so much better prepared now.’
The online world has brought us into a whole new era of communication.  It has been changing the way the world goes round.  Social media was the key element in the overthrow of a dictator in Egypt.  Every month more people are shopping online.  Many businesses struggle if they do not have on online outlet. 
A major component of my Internet world is the commenting and interaction I am enjoying with friends.  Much of my research is driven by questions and comments.  When permission is given, I will share success stories submitted by followers and friends on my website and Blog.  I hope you will share, as you apply creative pro-activity in your life. 
This is Part #2---BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN CAPABILITIESDream great dreams and explore new territory.