Yesterday I spoke to our Church congregation of perhaps 250
people about opportunities and challenges as we enter the New Year. As I prepared my sermon, I was tempted to do
the normal by suggesting behaviors that should define our discipleship as
Christians. But in my mind’s eye I kept
seeing the young mother’s in the congregation struggling with their young
families trying to be attentive as they took mental notes of all the things
they needed to do better.
At that point I had a major stupor of thought and my
approach shifted gears. Don’t get me
wrong, the behaviors I would have been pontificating weren’t the problem. They
are all decent things.
The problem was seeking to change behavior when someone is
already living a stellar life helping young children grow-up in a loving atmosphere.
What more should be “required” of these
young moms, and for that matter, dads.
Raising a family is certainly one of the most satisfying pursuits in
life. I didn’t want to do anything to
derail such a sacred and happy process. So I deepened by contemplation and
sought a better way to encourage and uplift.
Surely going to hear sermons on January 1st should be an
uplifting experience.
So I focused my thoughts on what to me is one of the best
sources of motivation and strength to do “good” with our lives. Relying on the power of the Grace of Christ to
help us access and maintain a life of positive loving outreach.
Where does the power to do good come from? Atheists
and theologians will debate this notion forever. Is it a spiritual gift or do humans have the
ability to embrace an ethical moral mindset? You may be surprised that I think it’s a combination
of influences. I think nature, nurture,
and God all play a role in this most dynamic endeavor.
So here is what I hope I shared during my sermon:
How to access the power of the Grace of Christ
to help us improve our discipleship. It
is a spiritual gift for those who seek it.
Seek to Come unto Christ by following his
example of love, kindness, gentleness, acceptance, and service.
Teach doctrine rather than programs and procedures. Teach correct principles rather than a list
of specific behaviors. We honor the
freedom of the soul by respecting ability to know what to do to help ourselves
and others.
Perfectionism is like the fanatic who lost his
way and redoubled his pace down the wrong path.
Keep it simple, serve others, and it’s OK to take good care of yourself.
Spend some time sharpening your own saw.
Every New Year in some ways we are like a blank canvas ready
for the weaver’s magic touch. Whom we
allow to work on our tapestry is up to us.
Choosing wisely is helped by practice and experience. The notion of acceptance of and reliance on
an all wise spiritual connection is almost universal---no matter what our concept
of God is. So how will we weave our
tapestry in 2012? I have full confidence
that it will be absolutely beautiful 363 days from now.