Jeannie is home and resting on so many meds I can’t keep them straight. This is how Cancer Survivors live, coping with the aftermath of bodies that have been ravished by chemo-therapy, radiations, and surgery. It is said that if we live long enough cancer will eventually get us. I certainly hope medical science wins the battle to conquer it soon.
Jeannie has the additional complication of Rheumatoid Arthritis since 1995 and is on advanced medication (shots) to help with quality of life. Her body has been about as resilient as it can be. She doesn’t complain or blame anyone. She lives day by day with a positive attitude trying to keep me in line as she cares for children and grandchildren.
In April 2007 Jeannie was diagnosed with Oral Cancer. She has never used alcohol or tobacco and yet she got Oral Cancer---how weird is that. Previously, in February, she contracted shingles, which often happens with an underling cancer. The explanation perhaps---her immune system was compromised for years by arthritis medications.
Just in case you are not aware of her story it is recorded in her online journal/blog at She writes beautifully. All her posts during those long months are her cancer journey.
We recognize that we are all given our own challenges. Many are far more intense than ours. But since her struggle became a public event due to our visibility in the community, perhaps someone will be helped by reading Jeannie’s story. Her words are full of honesty, humor and faith.
Thank you for sharing your lives with us. It is uplifting and inspiring to see those who go through trials and come through with an even more glorious testimony of our Lord and Savior. Jeannie must have been a very choice and blessed spirit to be tried as she has been in mortality. I love reading her blog posts, she truly has a gift for expressing herself through the written word.