Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Opening the World of Online Business

My current project is helping friends/followers establish an online business making $2000-$5000 per month as a supplement to their family income. You could make much more if you want to take the time to do so.  

 If you already have an online site my goal is to help dramatically increase traffic to that site.  Since I have been through several internet business training programs I know how they work and and can help you navigate to your best advantage. 

I have a group who are going to take the #1 rated Internet Business training course. It is comprehensive and covers each important step so you can get your website running without having to pay a web-designer  2000 or more to do so. 

Taking this training will cost a fraction of that and as a bonus they have promised me you will get access to their new course coming out in July 2013 with all of its enhancements. They have a 90 day money-back guarantee. It cost $67 per month but I think you should consider the lifetime membership for $497 so you will have continued access to all of their ongoing podcasts and training.  In addition, I will follow along and be available to help you.

By spending a few hours per day using your own creativity, you can build your own business and dramatically increase traffic to your site. Since I have done it at age 60, believe me you can too. You don't even need to have your product determined prior to starting the course. It gives you ideas on how to find your area of marketable expertise.

The next step is for you to sign up for the course by clicking on or copying the following link to your browser:
My proposed starting date is June 15th. It will take about six weeks to learn and implement all the training but you can work at your own pace. Some will speed through the course in a few weeks and others will take longer, depending on time available. You can take as long as you want.   

It will be an extra bonus to have the sharing ideas and questions on a Facebook page I am setting up just for the group. Please go to the link and sign up pronto.  You will hear an introduction podcast by my son Jason and his partner Jeremy.  Its about 25 minutes long. I am excited to start. If you have questions please let me know at my personal email as seen below. 

Ralph VanOrden,
Retirement Freedom Blog

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Financial Freedom and Good Health

I kicked my healthy lifestyle into full gear this week.  After enjoying DQ blizzards and fast food while on our trip from Alaska, it was time to get serious again. It seems there are two essentials once we get to retirement: to have sufficient health to enjoy life, and having sufficient money to not worry about the future. 

Since getting home from Alaska I have lost seven pounds.  I am back to eating six small meals per day and drinking more water.  For details on how I lost 50 pounds, go to my other blog at     

I started working and saving $ when I was 13 years old.  I lied about my age so I could caddy at Knollwood Country Club near Chicago.  It was a wealthy man’s club back then and I made some decent money.  If I carries double golf bags and went out for two 18 hole rounds, I could make $20.  Now remember that was in 1965 when minimum wage was $1.25.  So I have been working for most of 47 years.

I paid for my own education and was married 39 years ago at age 21 to an amazing women.  We still enjoy being together.  We have been on our own financially.  I got to retirement but still worried about how long our money would last since we might need it to live for another 25+ years. 

I must have crunched the number a 100 times before and since retirement.  We do a financial assessment weekly now to track our bills and net worth.  Our goal is to keep our net worth increasing by a minimum of 5% yearly since historically that would beat inflation.

Our investments have done well this year since the stock market has been on the rise.  We know that won’t always be the case.  So we have done two things, diversify our investments, and start online businesses. Our investment portfolio has increase 15% this year, and our online businesses are in the plus column after two years of development.   

My wife Jeannie is doing a venture with our son Mike.  I own two website and two blogs.  Revenues come from advertising and when a follower signs up for a subscription with an affiliate.  I am an internet marketing consultant helping friends and followers learn how to develop their own online business.

The real key to earning on the internet is to attract traffic by providing useful content.  The more who see your websites the more money you make.  After some time, you can figure it statistically right down to how much you will make per hit.  I have almost 17,000 hits on my two Blogs.  That’s really not bad, but it could improve.  Many of the people who see my posts are people I have never met in person, but they are quickly becoming cyber friends.

Here’s the bottom line: I am an advocate of saving as much money as you can as early in your career and owning your own online business. The success stories are starting to pile up and I am so pleased people are developing the confidence to give it a try.  Great adventures await.