Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alaskans Stay Friends Forever

 It took 7 days averaging 400 miles a day.  We flew into Anchorage  early May 22 and were on the road by 1PM that day. 

We apologize to our friends in Alaska for not being able to visit this time around but do hope you will stop by our homestead if you ever pass through Boise.  Message me for details on how to find us.

 We've been running into many former Alaskans in our neck of the woods and just may need to start an annual reunion picnic. One of my good friends from 30 years ago when I was a Bishop in North Pole Alaska called the other day. He’s 87 years old and an ordinance worker in the Boise Temple. He lives alone on an acre in Caldwell since his wife passed a few years ago so we’ll check in on him once in awhile.  Alaskans stay friends forever.      

This time down the highway was our best ever.  The scenery was spectacular.  Mountains, wildlife, unending forests, rivers to die for, Laird Hot Springs, Jasper, Banff, and Northern Idaho.  Because it was early spring, the bugs weren't bad.  

As I drove, Jeannie would read to me, tell me stories from books she had read, play music from her IPad wired to our speakers, or we would talk about 39 years together.  It was a fun trip but surely a long one at 2800 miles.
This Grizzly hung around for about 10 minutes as we sat in the middle of the road in our cozy motorhome cockpit behind a huge windshield  taking pics.  And we behaved by not feeding the wildlife.   
Words cant say how awesome this animal encounter was. 

Middle or Nowhere???

Watch out for buffalo and their new born babies on the road.
Home Away from Home

Jeannie and Kluane Lake


Monday, May 20, 2013

Lessons Learned from My Online Community

Here's the latest on how my online community is progressing.  This past week I launched my first group-learning-invitation.  In it I promised to help coach 10 people to establish their online businesses.  All told I sent out internet invitations to about 3500 people total.  I have Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Email friends. 

Here’s what I learned from that launch:  

Lesson #1---My feelings are a bit too tender when it comes to my friends/followers, because of all those invites I had only one complaint that it was spam, and one comment that it was too forward, and still I felt bad they felt negative about my post, thus the life of an online entrepreneur.  My advice that you have to develop a tough skin came home to roost.

Lesson #2---You have to do three things to help people take a bold step moving forward toward their goals:  you need an audience, you have to make an offer, and you challenge them to take action.  Here’s how I stated my invite. 

One of my Son's online subscribers recently made $50,000 in one month, that’s right not $5000 but $50,000, on the internet. I think you should take a look and then consider joining these online entrepreneurs. I have promised the first 10 who sign up through the link below that I will be their personal consultant and provide an exclusive Facebook page for exchanging ideas and asking questions of the others in the group. You have a money back guarantee and the spots are filling up fast.  Click this link: http://internetbusinessmastery.com/academy/wp/affiliate-redirect?p=vanordenr&w=3pil”.

I guess it was pretty bold.  Every word of the invite is true.  Not every one of my son’s Internet Business Academy students makes that kind of money but they do have a few wiz-kids that have taken off into cyberspace wealth. 

My own goal in helping some of my friends/followers is to assist them in establishing an online business that makes $2000-$5000 per month as a supplement to their family income or as an enhancement to their monthly retirement money. Since I have been through several internet business courses I know how they work and what frustrations crop up, especially for the non-techy 40+ crowd. 

Here’s what I am doing for my group of 10.  1) Consultations by email, messaging, texting, Skype, Webinars or good old-fashioned phone calls.  2) Providing an exclusive Facebook Page for the group to share successes and struggles.  3) Repeat the course along with the group so I can send insights as I expand my cyber business ability. 

None of my group of 10 pays me directly for my assistance.  I am an affiliate of IBM, so I get a commission from them when one of my followers signs up for and pays for the Academy. I vouch for the legitimacy of the IBM Academy program and know how it can help an online business person grow their traffic/hits and therefore their income.

I have decided to leave the invitation to join our group open until the end of May even though it will probably expand beyond the original goal of ten participants. In June we will start moving through the Academy program at a similar pace so we can help each other as we go.  You can take a look and learn more by clicking on the link in paragraph #4 of this post. By clicking you don’t sign up yet, but are simply taking a look at what IBM offers.  Here is what one of their members said about the course: 

Jeremy and Jason's Internet Business Mastery Coaching Course has shown me how to create and run an Internet business from start to finish! From the opening module where we learn about the proper mindset for Internet success to the two modules on generating traffic for my websites, the course is literally STUFFED with applicable, completely doable actions. I structured my business using the exact directions they provided, and I now get traffic from social networking sites each time I create a new article. Thanks to Jeremy and Jason!”

I hope you will decide to join us.
Ralph VanOrden, Retirement Freedom Blog at http://saferetirementfreedom.blogspot.com/

Saturday, May 11, 2013

If I Can Do This So Can You---Making Great Money Online

The most helpful online business course I have found is by far the top rated Internet Business Mastery at http://internetbusinessmastery.com/academy/wp/affiliate-redirect?p=vanordenr&w=academy.   

They have helped 1000’s set up profitable online businesses. Jason has been ranked #1 in Google as a podcasting consultant since 2005.  His book on Podcasting is used for college courses.  You really owe it to yourself to check it out.  I challenge all my readers to dream big and do something today to make it happen.

My blogs and podcasts are exploding with traffic/hits.  Once you get to a critical mass in cyberspace, there’s no turning back.  If you’re bashful you got to get over it and accept the fact that you have friends that you have never really met other than on the internet.  It actually can be disconcerting till you realize you are providing a service that is helping others. 

I blog about becoming an online entrepreneur as well as my journey regaining as much health as I can at 60 years old by losing weight and listening to my doctors.  My biggest dream is that I can help someone believe in their dreams with enough motivation to make them come true.  I watch my followers start blogs and websites and quickly surpass my online presence by building their own group of followers and making more money than me.

My focus has been on teaching internet skills and supplementing our retirement income so we can have adventures together before our health prevents traveling. 

Our oldest son Jason recently returned from a convention in Chicago where he was one of the featured speakers about making dreams come true through internet commerce.  He speaks at these events regularly and this time he got a standing ovation from the audience.  

People love being inspired to dream big and believe in themselves.
I have invested $1000’s in my computer and online skills courses.  It has reaped marvelous benefit to us.  Believing in your own creativity becomes an avalanche of opportunity.  

My blogs have grown into podcasts on ITunes, and video productions on YouTube.  Even though my brain is a bit slower than it used to be my new dreams still percolate into reality.  If I can do this anyone can. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Making Dreams Come True

My blogs and podcasts are exploding with traffic/hits.  Once you get to a critical mass in cyberspace, there’s no turning back.  If you’re bashful you got to get over it and accept the fact that you have friends that you have never really met other than on the internet.  It actually can be disconcerting till you realize you are providing a service that is helping others. 

I blog about becoming an online entrepreneur as well as my journey regaining as much health as I can at 60 years old by losing weight and listening to my doctors.  My biggest dream is that I can help someone believe in their dreams with enough motivation to make them come true.  I watch my followers start blogs and websites and quickly surpass my online presence by building their own group of followers and making more money than me.

My focus has been on teaching internet skills and supplementing our retirement income so we can have adventures together before our health prevents traveling. 

Our oldest son Jason just got back from a convention in Chicago where he was one of the featured speakers about making dreams come true through internet commerce.  He speaks at these events regularly and this time he got a standing ovation from the audience.  People love being inspired to dream big and believe in themselves.

I have invested $1000’s in my computer and online skills courses.  It has reaped marvelous benefit to us.  Believing in your own creativity becomes an avalanche of opportunity.  My blogs have grown into podcasts on ITunes, and video productions on YouTube.  Even though my brain is a bit slower than it used to be the new “senior-citizen” dreams still percolate into reality.  If I can do this anyone can. 

The most helpful online business course I have found is by far my own son’s top rated Internet Business Mastery at http://internetbusinessmastery.com/academy/wp/affiliate-redirect?p=vanordenr&w=academy.   He has been ranked #1 in Google for podcasting consultant since 2005.  His book on Podcasting is used for college courses.  You really owe it to yourself to check it out.  I challenge all my readers to dream big and do something today to make it happen.